Friday 6 October 2017

Cataloguing continues - G1s are looking dapper

I took a week off from work in September for no reason other than to relax at home.  Which, of course, meant spending a lot of time playing in the Geek Cave.
Active Applejacks in Pony Workout
Heart Throb wearing Hearts and Candy
I had great fun dressing up the G1s in ponywear to take pictures of what I have.  Half the fun was deciding which pony would wear which outfit.  Most of them were chosen so that their personality matched the outfit, although a few were throw backs to the images from the old 1980s pamphlets.
Party Time wearing Party Time, of course
Glory liked roller skating in Rescue at Midnight Castle
I've also recently gotten around to photographing the G1 playsets.  Were I to get rid of any playsets (and this seems unlikely), these would not be on the table.  Like the G1 ponies, the playsets are my absolute favourites.

Luckily (space-wise) there is only one more G1 playset that I want to add to the collection - the Waterfall.  As this was a water toy, I've been particularly picky about the condition of that particular set.


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